Microsoft Windows has a registry, which is used to create settings. These settings are loaded when you start Windows or load a software application. The Windows registry can be edited using a program called Regedit. Regedit allows you to add, delete and edit keys and values in the registry. One key you can create in the Windows registry is "NoWindowsUpdate." This key allows you to disable or enable the Windows update processes. The value for the key is either one or zero, depending on the Windows update behavior you want.
Click the Windows Start button and select "Run." In the Run text box, enter "regedit" and press the "Enter" key. This starts the Windows registry editor.
Navigate to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" directory in the registry.
Right-click a white space in the registry directory and select "New." From the New menu, click the "DWORD" value.
Enter "NoWindowsUpdate" into the folder name text box. For the value, enter 1 if you want the Windows Update process to continue. Enter 0 if you don't want the Windows update to run.
Close the Windows registry and reboot the machine. Changes to the registry do not take effect until you reboot the machine.